Self-discovery: Power to choose


My fellow digital comrades… Each & every day, you hold the power to choose your path! If you’re already blazing trails & leading the pack, kudos to you! Keep that fire burning bright & keep forging ahead in your Self-discovery! To begin with if you’re feeling like your leadership boots are a bit snug, don’t…

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Overcoming Obstacles

Overcoming Obstacles

We all have goals in life, and they can be anything – from personal aspirations to professional ambitions. But sometimes, despite our best efforts, we hit road bumps along the way that can make us feel discouraged. Let’s explore overcoming obstacles and staying focused on achieving our goals. The first instinct may be to give…

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A Liberated Journey

For my daily post… Firstly I have decided to post a testimonial. I was asked to write recently by my Sifu, mentor and friend Chris Kent, so join me on A Liberated Journey! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it!  Where do I begin? Furthermore, discovering ‘Liberate Yourself: How to…

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Rise Above Low Energy

Rise Above Low Energy

Hey there, energy warriors, let’s rise above low energy! Let’s talk about overcoming those moments when our energy levels are running on empty. We all experience times when we feel drained and lacking motivation, but fear not because we have the power to recharge and reignite our spirits! #RiseAboveLowEnergy #PowerWithin 1. Embrace Self-Care: Firstly, when…

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Mental health and wellness

Mental health and wellness

Mental health and wellness, Two terms often used interchangeably, but what do they really mean and how do they impact our productivity? Today, we delve into the world of our minds and explore ways to enhance our mental well-being. Mental health refers to a person’s emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel,…

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Gardening For Mental Health

Gardening For Mental Health

Let’s dive into the world of gardening and unleash its potential for mental health and wellness. Gardening For Mental Health is key!   Picture this: So, you’re out there in your garden, sweat glistening on your brow, as you dig deep into the earth, planting those seeds of possibility. It’s not just about the plants…

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Kindness Crusaders

Kindness Crusaders

Gather ’round, my fellow kindness crusaders! It’s time to ignite the world with an explosion of joy and compassion! Let’s sprinkle kindness like confetti, leaving trails of smiles and warm hearts wherever we go! Because, you see, every smile, every small gesture has the power to create a ripple effect, transforming lives and lighting up…

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Can’t Break Me!

Overcome challenges

Hey adversity, you thought I was gonna break? Think again! Here’s a little secret, I thrive on challenges! So bring it on, because I’ll dance through the storm, overcome challenges, and come out stronger than ever! Resilience game = 💯 Firstly let’s flip adversity into an adventure! Life might throw lemons at us, but guess…

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Team Players!

effective teamwork

Hey there, team players! Let’s dive into the power of effective teamwork in business! Whether you’re working with colleagues, collaborating with partners, or building professional relationships, being a supportive and reliable team member is the ultimate game-changer! 1. Show Up and Step Up: Firstly, being a good teammate means being present and engaged. Show up with…

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Mind Warriors

Focus the mind

Hey there, mind warriors! Let’s Focus the mind and dive into the realm of intrusive thoughts and reclaim control over our minds! We all have those moments when unwelcome thoughts pop up uninvited, but fear not, because we have the power to navigate through them with resilience and strength! Acknowledge and Normalize: Firstly, intrusive thoughts are…

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